No. Don’t worry about bad credit! Our team of counselors are trained and certified by HUD. They can work with you until you become “homebuyer-ready.”
Every family and individual have a unique situation. We encourage everyone to apply to find out what they qualify for.
US Citizens and legal residents, 18 years or older.
It’s simple!
1) Call 956-541-4955 to make an appointment, or
2) Complete the online application and gather the documents mentioned.
3) Once called, come to the appointment with the counselor and bring your documents.
We have homebuyer fairs to accommodate walk-ins from people who can’t visit with a counselor during weekdays. You should bring:
Valid photo ID
Social Security Card
Last 2 pay stubs
Last year’s tax return
Yes, we can work with you. However, disability is not considered in approving you for down-payment assistance.